在这一页, you’ll find a lot of useful information in navigating the financial process at Brescia University. The Brescia University’s 收银员的办公室 is located in the Student Services Center, 弗雷德里卡街531号, 早上8点营业.m. 到下午4:30.m. For assistance with your student account and to make payments, contact the 收银员的办公室 at 270-686-4238 or (电子邮件保护). For assistance with financial aid, contact the 金融援助 Office at 270-686-4253 or (电子邮件保护). 学生应该检查他们的 布雷西亚的电子邮件 often for official communications from the University, including the Brescia Business Office. Check out these helpful links regarding your student account:
- 学费和费用
- Payment Plans – contact 收银员的办公室 for information on available plans
- 网上结单 (contact Registrar’s office for username and password: 270-686-4248 or (电子邮件保护))
- 退款政策
- 在线支付
Student Account Statements – Going Paperless
Effective July 2019, student account statements will no longer be mailed to current 学生. 访问您的 网上结单 (contact the Registrar’s office for username and password: 270-686-4248 or (电子邮件保护)).
- Paper statements will be printed upon request from the 收银员的办公室 (Student Services Center, 弗雷德里卡大街531号, 270-686-4238, or (电子邮件保护)).
- 金融援助 Award Letters will continue to be mailed.
Effective June 1, 2019, Brescia University will no longer offer Student Insurance.
学费收费, 费用, 房间, and meals for full-time 学生 are due by August 5th (fall) or January 3rd (spring). Full-time 学生 in good standing may sign up for a payment plan. For more information on 付款计划, click on 付款计划 or contact the 收银员的办公室 at 270-686-4238. 学费收费 and 费用 for part-time 学生 are due 10 days before the first class meeting date. 亲自付款: Cash, check, or credit card (签证, 万事达卡, & 发现) payments can be made in the 收银员的办公室 (Student Services Center), 星期一至星期五, 上午8时至下午4时30分. 网上付款: 签证, 万事达卡, 发现, 美国运通, and EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) are accepted online by clicking on the 在线支付 link. For your protection, Brescia no longer accepts credit card information over the phone. 邮寄付款方式: Checks can be mailed to: Brescia University, 收银员的办公室, 弗雷德里卡街717号, 欧文斯伯勒,肯塔基州42301.
后期费用 & 费用
逾期收费1美元.5% per month will be assessed on past-due balances as of the 15th of any month. A Late Payment Fee of $100 will be added to any accounts that have not been settled by the first day of classes. 收费25美元.00 is imposed for checks returned because of insufficient funds. Satisfactory settlement of accounts must be made before a grade report or transcript of credits will be issued, and before a student may register for subsequent terms. Students with past-due accounts may be excluded from campus activities including but not limited to participating on athletic teams, University-sponsored旅行, 及其他由大学主办的活动. Non-payment of charges may also affect the student’s eligibility to use campus resources including but not limited to 房间, 董事会, 以及使用校园科技.
教科书 and course materials can be purchased through 布雷西亚网上书店. Students whose financial aid packaging is complete and sufficient to cover all charges may be eligible for a Student Book Voucher. Notification of vouchers will be sent to 学生’ 布雷西亚的电子邮件 addresses. Student Book Vouchers may also be used for apparel/supplies at the Brescia University Spirit Shop located in The Moore Center.